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News Brief

Sept. 11, 2018Iowa |  By: Connor Raabe

Iowans Encouraged to Volunteer On 9/11 Remembrance Day

Today is "National Day of Service and Remembrance."  The day of remembrance is in dedication to the nearly 3,000 that died on the 9-11 terrorist attack. Jeremy Barewin with A-A-R-P Iowa says volunteering is a core value for many in the state.

"If there's anytime of the year to really be conscientious of that, it's September 11th and the days surrounding that.  We use September really as a springboard for volunteerism in Iowa through A-A-R-P."

Volunteering might often seem like something only retirees have the time to do, but people 24 and younger account for nearly 23% of all volunteers, around the same percent as people aged 65 and older. Barewin says volunteer embassadors that represent the organization at festivals or the Iowa State Fair represent any and all ages. They serve as advocates for seniors on policy issues such as Medicare, Social Security, and prescription drugs.

"A-A-R-P is also one of the largest organizations in the country to help seniors to file their taxes.  We have tax aide stations - about 20 of them across the state.  We need people to staff these centers."

A-A-R-P provides advanced training for volunteers who want to help seniors refresh their driving skills, file tax returns, or learn how to protect themselves from fraud, including telephone scams and identity theft. General information about volunteering with A-A-R-P can be found at .