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News Brief

Dec. 19, 2018Maryville, MO |  By: Denin Vinzant

Christmas Precautions

The holidays can be a time for increased giving, but taking can be an issue as well. Maryville Director of Public Safety Keith Wood says there are ways to avoid becoming the victim of theft during this season.

"Don't ever let your house look that it's not occupied and make arrangements for your snow to be scooped if you're not going to be there because that's a dead giveaway.  The other thing is the large volume of deliveries that are made to houses.  And if you're not going to be around to accept those things, you might ask a neighbor to keep an eye out for the delivery guy or make arrangements for those packages that you're getting to be delivered to a 3rd party address."

Wood says that even trash day can lead to being targeted.

"After the holidays, your trash becomes a billboard, if you will, for those driving by to see what kind of goodies you got.  It's probably better if you can discard your waste material in a plastic bag or something of that nature so that you can't really tell what the empty boxes will indicate is inside."