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News Brief

Dec. 3, 2018Maryville, MO |  By: Ryan Elliot

Maryville downtown imrpovement

The Maryville City Council discussed guidelines for improvement of downtown Maryville at its meeting last week.  
Maryville City Manager Greg McDanel says the guidelines stemmed from nearly 10 years ago.

"One of the City Council goals this year was to help revitalize downtown Maryville and so one of those actions is to break out a design guideline that was created in 2009 through a planning process with a lot of input from different downtown businesses and citizens at large.  The design guidelines are simply a guide for development that kind of show exactly the way we want Maryville businesses to develop downtown and the way we want downtown to look and feel, and what's allowed and not allowed in downtown development.  This is something that again was created in 2009 and so the City Council agreed to pull it back out and try to update that and move forward with its implementations."

McDanel adds the guidelines are just a part of the city's plan for downtown.

"I think a lot of things are aligning themselves at the right time.  The downtown Maryville group is taking some great initiatives .  There is some interest in property owners that are doing something with their businesses right now. This continues revitalization efforts.  The City Council has a whole lot of actions that we look forward to implementing and design guidelines is one of those."