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News Brief

Dec. 4, 2018Jefferson City, MO |  By: AP

Missouri legislators resign

A Missouri state senator has resigned early to
ensure his right to register as a lobbyist sooner rather than later.

Democratic Sen. Jake Hummel of St. Louis resigned last Friday _ just ahead of a
constitutional amendment taking effect Thursday that requires lawmakers to wait
two years after the end of their terms before becoming lobbyists.

Hummel lost re-election earlier this year and was scheduled to leave office in
January. By leaving now, he will be subject only to a six-month lobbyist waiting
period in current law.

Hummel said he plans to continue to work as secretary-treasurer of the Missouri

Republican Rep. Kirk Mathews, of Pacific, also resigned effective Nov. 27. His
resignation letter cited no reason. Mathews chose not to seek re-election this