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News Brief

Dec. 4, 2018Maryville, MO |  By: Ryan Elliot

Nodaway Chorale Holiday Concert to perform the 16th

The Nodaway Chorale will present a holiday vocal music concert later this month.
The concert titled "Holiday Harmony" will take place Sunday, December 16th in Maryville. Chorale Music Director Jim Rash says the concert will feature a mix of genres.

"The early years, the Chorale focused on classical music, but we have really expanded that and we're going to present a wide range of genres that I think will be popular with our audience; folk, classical, spiritual, some stuff from the movies, some traditional holiday music.  Our goal is that they will come to the concert, hear something they love (one of their favorites), but also leave with a new favorite that they heard that afternoon at the concert."

Rash adds the Chorale will be joined by the Spectrum Choir from Maryville High School.

"Chorale will sing some.  Then Spectrum will sing some on their own.  Then the Chorale will return and it will close out the concert with all voices on stage, which I think will be a very powerful and hopefully very entertaining event because they'll be over 70 singers joining together at the end of the concert."

The concert will take place at 4 p.m. Sunday, December 16th at the First United Methodist Church at the corner of First and Main Streets in Maryville.  For more information, email or visit the Nodaway Chorale's Facebook page.