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News Brief

Dec. 12, 2018 |  By: Connor Raabe

Peppermint bark is Missouri's favorite treat

Deal experts with sent out a survey across the nation this holiday season to discover what the favorite holiday treat is for each of the 50 states. The national winner was pumpkin pie, with over one-third of Americans voting it as their top choice for holiday treats.
Shopping and Savings expert with, Sarah Hollenbeck says Missouri chose Peppermint Bark as their top choice for the holiday season.

"Missouri chose peppermint bark as their top holiday treat for the holiday season.  Peppermint bark was pretty popular across the nation in places like Oklahoma, Kansas, Idaho, Maine, places like that.  Peppermint bark is not your traditional pumpkin pie or gingerbread and that's what a lot of people think for the holiday season.  But peppermint bark has been increasingly a lot more popular and people also make these items at home and I think that's part of the reason why we've seen such an increase in this treat this holiday season."

Hollenbeck says the survey was a pretty good representation of what each state was looking for.

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