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News Brief

Dec. 20, 2018Stanberry, MO |  By: Erin Sorensen

Security updates for Stanberry R-II will be complete in summer

Stanberry R-II board of education met in regular session earlier this week. The board discussed the need for more school safety following an annual building and grounds review. Superintendent Bob Heddinger says the updates will come in phases including security cameras.

"For the control access and camera surveillance system to be installed this summer.  It's part of our safety improvements that came to light last year during our building and grounds review."

Heddinger says the board also agreed to move to a keyless entry system.

"Phase two is going to be to add to the control access.  We're going to remove all keys from the outside perimeter and go to a keyless entry system.  Over the years, there are just too many people that have keys to the building. Even though we have a controlled access buzzer system from Phase 1, we still feel like there is a level of concern there.  So we'll be moving to that system which will make it easier to control who can enter the building and when they can enter the building."

Heddinger adds the completion of the security updates will be the summer of 2019.