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News Brief

Dec. 18, 2018 |  By: Denin Vinzant

Seventh Annual Soil Fertility School

The University of Missouri Extension office in Oregon will hold its Seventh Annual Soil Fertility School. Agronomy Field Specialist Wayne Flanary says the school will take an in-depth look at managing aspects of soil fertility.

"From soils to soil pH and liming, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, the secondary nutrients, micro-nutrients, soil sampling, tissue testing, and also how to make a recommendation, put this information together."

Flanary adds that after completing the course, participants will have a better idea of how to make or modify recommendations.

"At the end of the class, they should be able to refine their own soil fertility recommendations, be able to put cost returns to those, and have a way that they could tweek or improve their own soil fertility recommendations on their own fields.  Or if agro-business is making recommendations, help them do a better job of doing better recommendations."

The course will be held Monday, January 7th through Wednesday, February 13th from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Space is limited to 20 participants. Individuals can sign up before the end of the year by calling the Holt County Extension office.