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News Brief

Jan. 22, 2019Maryville, MO |  By: John Coffey

Sen. Blunt visits and talks about government shutdown

Missouri U-S Republican Senator Roy Blunt toured northwest Missouri Monday visiting Craig, Rock Port, Maryville and Albany. During his stop in Maryville on the Northwest Missouri State campus he took time to address the current government shutdown over funding for President Trump's border wall proposal. Blunt says more areas of compromise need to be discussed before the issue is resolved.

"My guess is what it takes is actually to put more things on the table.  Sometimes when you are locked into a moment where you just can't find a place to move. Both sides are set in place, you just have to make the problem bigger."

Blunt says there are currently three issues that need to be solved concerning border security and immigration.

"One is what are the legitimate workforce needs of the country.  Another one is what you do with people who came or stayed illegally.  And the third one is how to secure the border.  I think the other two are a lot more easily solved if people thought that the border was at a reasonable level of control.  And then you can deal with these other things. Things like DACA kids, kids who grew up here and that have not gotten in trouble.  Almost all of us, including me, believe those kids should be able to stay here and be part of growing thriving economy."

Blunt also made brief remarks during Northwest Missouri State University's 8th annual Peace Brunch honoring Martin Luther King, Junior.