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News Brief

Jan. 30, 2019 |  By: John Coffey

Special precautions needed for traveling in extreme cold

The bitterly cold temperatures the Midwest is experiencing means motorists should also take special precautions if traveling during this time. Missouri Highway Patrol Sergeant Jake Angle says motorists need to be prepared in case of car trouble.

"When we start talking about temperatures like this, sometimes people don't realize how critical it is to be prepared when they strike out traveling.  You know, have those extra layer of clothes in the car, some gloves, a stocking hat, make sure your phone is charged.  You can't be out in temperatures like this for very long.  You know, they are going to take a toll on people, so we can't exercise enough caution."

Angle also says it's a good idea to have vehicles tuned up before embarking on a long trip.

"They need to check those antifreeze levels and stuff like that.  You're talking about the potential for radiators to freeze up.  It's just a good idea.  When we talk about this time of year and this kind of weather, you need to kick the tires and check the belt.  Just make sure everything is in good working order before we strike out.    The last thing you want to do is to become stranded out there on the roadway.  If you do become stranded, it's critical that you get emergency services headed your way whether that be a wrecker or a trooper or any law enforcement.  Obviously if you want to get highway patrol, you can dial *55.  If it's an absolute emergency, dial 911."