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News Brief

Jan. 31, 2019Maryville, MO |  By: Ryan Elliot

Winter weather takes its toll on the budget

Winter Weather in Northwest Missouri has caused issues for travel, school, and events over the last few weeks.  It has also put a strain on the budget of the City of Maryville.  City Manager Greg McDanel says the city has had to make a significant dip into the general fund for snow removal.

"In the month of January alone, we've spent $57,000 of the general fund for time, labor, materials, salt, overtime.  It has certainly had an impact on the general fund budget.  And moving forward, we hope to get less precipitation and moisture until the spring. Crews are ready to go.  We have plenty of salt for upcoming events and we're trying to be as efficient as possible."

McDanel adds the amount spent is significantly higher than in years past.

"Certainly up, almost double of what we've done in previous Januaries.  But again, we've had a pretty compacted January with several events hitting at once.  It certainly has done a number on our streets as far as potholes are concerned. That's an effort we'll continue, but we won't be able to tackle those until warmer weather arrives."