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News Brief

March 14, 2019St. Joseph, MO |  By: Lily Lopez

New St. Joe historic architecture organization to meet on March 30th

A new formed organization in St. Joseph geared to old home and historic architecture will have their first meeting later this month. Old House Enthusiasts Organizer, Lori McAlister, says the event is a good opportunity for people to share historical photos, artifacts, floor plans and more with other enthusiasts.

"It'll be a chance for people to bring keepsakes - show-and-tell.  We are fortunate in that we have the original blueprint of our home, which was built in 1909.  So if anybody has anything like that that they want to share, or something that they have found related to an old house that they know or live in, they are also welcome."

McAlister adds an expert in home preservation will also be in attendance to deliver a presentation..

"We've invited Scott Des Planques from the City of St. Joe Preservation Committee to come and present on the grants and other resources that are available to home owners in St. Joe if they want to do any repairs on their historic properties."

The event will be March 30th at the Downtown Abbey located at 2601 Felix Street in St. Joseph and gets underway 12:30 pm with a potluck dinner,.   For more information contact Lori McAlister at .