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News Brief

March 4, 2019Maryville, MO |  By: Kramer Sansone

Tornado drill planned for tomorrow serves 2 purposes

The National Weather Service statewide tornado drill will be 10 a.m. tomorrow. Meteorologist for the National Weather Service Jarred Leighton says there are two prongs to the statewide drill.

"....test everybody's equipment.  There probably hasn't been any real need for testing tornado warnings, or to make sure the softwares work, to make sure the hardwares work.  So it's partly it's just a coordinated effort so there's no confusion as to weather it's a real tornado warning or a drill. So the states of Missouri and Kansas have coordinated that at the same time we're going to issue a tornado warning.  It'll be a test warning so we can test the infrastructure."

Leighton adds the other prong is to bring back severe weather awareness.

"It's a reminder that tornado season is coming.  Yesterday was kind of a sobering reminder that we saw in the news with what happened down in Alabama.  It's still cold up here and it's really easy to forget that tornado season comes pretty quickly."

Leighton adds with the cold weather, some counties may or may not test their equipment.

"Some sirens struggle in the real cold temperatures.  So there's a chance that some counties may opt out of sounding their sirens. But as far as from our end, we'll be, as of right now, conducting that drill at 10:00 o'clock."