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News Brief

April 8, 2022Lincoln, Neb. |  By: AP

Abortion rights backers block 'trigger' law in Nebraska

scales of justice

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) - Abortion rights supporters have scored a surprising victory in Nebraska, derailing a bill that would have automatically outlawed abortion if the U.S. Supreme Court ever overturns its Roe v. Wade decision.

The vote on Wednesday frustrated abortion rights opponents, who usually win fights over the issue in Nebraska's conservative Legislature.

More than a dozen other conservative states have passed similar measures already, but abortion rights supporters in Nebraska managed to block it using a filibuster in the single-chamber Legislature.

 Lawmakers fell two votes short of the 33 they needed to end the filibuster and force a vote on the bill. The 31-15 vote left the proposal essentially dead for the rest of the year.