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News Brief

Oct. 25, 2022Malvern, Iowa |  By: Jeremy Werner

Investigation launches after woman claims Iowa father murdered dozens

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MALVERN, Iowa - A Newsweek article over the weekend is concerning residents in southwestern Iowa.

In an article posted last Saturday afternoon Lucy Studey claims her father, who died in 2013, murdered 50 to 70 young women over three decades and buried their bodies outside of Thurman in Fremont County.

She claims her father would direct her and her siblings to help him transport bodies with a wheelbarrow during warm months and with a toboggan during cold months.

KXCV/KRNW reached out of the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation's western office and a special agent did confirm that they are working with the Fremont County Sheriff's Office to determine whether Studey's claims are true.

The special agent says they're also working with the FBI, but as of right now the agent says there is no evidence that confirms Studey's story.