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News Brief

June 9, 2023Livingston County, Mo. |  By: Jeremy Werner

Chillicothe man survives rural plane crash


LIVINGSTON COUNTY, Mo. - Plane crashes are rare, but driving yourself to the hospital after one...probably even rarer. Officials says a small plane crash happened around 2:15 p.m. Wednesday in northwest Livingston County.

Charles Peniston of Chillicothe, 51, was piloting the privately-owned 1978 Cessna, used for agricultural purposes, when it crashed in a hay field and caught fire.

Peniston suffered moderate injuries, but was able to drive himself to the hospital. The cause of the crash is unknown, and the Federal Aviation Administration will investigate.

Emergency services arrived at the scene, extinguished the fire, and used 600 gallons of water. The plane is owned by Bobby Peniston of Chillicothe.