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News Brief

Sept. 22, 2023Kansas City, Mo. |  By: Jeremy Werner

Blood emergency declared by the CBC

blood donation

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - The Community Blood Center has declared a blood emergency due to a persistent shortage caused by low donor turnout throughout the summer.

Contributing factors include the recent Labor Day holiday, back-to-school activities, and a concerning 50% decrease in youth and first-time donors.

The region's blood supply is currently well below the recommended five-to-seven day level, with critical shortages in blood types O+, O-, B-, and platelets.

This situation is not unique to our listening area; blood shortages are happening across the country, prompting multiple centers to urgently appeal for blood donations.

The sustained loss of young and first-time donors, along with fewer organizations hosting blood drives due to remote work and blended schedules, has severely impacted local and national blood supplies.

The CBC supplies over 90% of the blood used by hospitals across eastern Kansas, and western Missouri.

The CBC encourages everyone to participate in blood donation drives to help alleviate this crisis and ensure an adequate blood supply for those in need.

You can check out where a blood drive is near you by visiting