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News Brief

Sept. 7, 2023Des Moines, Iowa |  By: Jeremy Werner

Iowa DNR says pond owners should watch for aquatic invaders

pond plants

DES MOINES, Iowa - With the fall right around the corner, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources says the pond on your property is at risk of an invasion.

Cattails and other aquatic plants love taking over in the late summer and early fall period.

The DNR says herbicides can effectively eliminate these plants, preventing regrowth next spring. This season, the plants move nutrients to their roots, making systemic herbicides most effective.

Officials say when you get an herbicide, you should spray the above-water parts until just wet. Officials say you should compare product brands for active ingredients, certain needs, and container size before making a purchase.

Officials add you should follow label instructions, choose calm weather for spraying, and comply with state laws regarding aquatic vegetation control. For more information, visit