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News Brief

Sept. 18, 2023Des Moines, Iowa |  By: Jeremy Werner

Iowa conducts survey on seat belt use


DES MOINES, Iowa - At this year's Iowa State Fair, the Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau teamed up with the Iowa State Patrol to conduct a survey on mobile device and seat belt usage among fairgoers.

The results were based on responses from over 1,400 Iowans representing nearly every county.

Over half of the drivers admitted to sometimes or always using mobile devices while driving, while a staggering 85% expressed support for hands-free legislation.

While around nine out of 10 front seat passengers said they wore a seatbelt, only 66 percent of respondents said they always wear seat belts in the backseat.

These findings come as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration proposed new rules for seat belt warning systems. Iowa currently mandates seat belt use for front seat passengers only, leaving those in the backseat without this requirement.