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News Brief

Sept. 19, 2023St. Joseph, Mo. |  By: Jeremy Werner

St. Joseph Library bringing Omnibus to East Hills

stj public library

ST. JOSEPH, Mo. - The East Hills Library in St. Joseph is launching a monthly artistic program to inspire your creativity.

Starting this Saturday, and on the fourth Saturday of each month from here on out, you can explore different artistic styles at the library through Omnibus.

The program will be hosted by Allegra Cloud from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The program will feature regional artists spanning various disciplines like painting, music, dance, and tattoos.

If you're an artist or artisan eager to showcase your talent, you can register as a performer or presenter by calling Shirley Blakeney or Elizabeth Murray at 816-236-2136.

For more information about this program, and other programs or library services, visit