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News Brief

Oct. 12, 2023Des Moines, Iowa |  By: Jeremy Werner

Iowa DNR offers reminder for those with oak trees

oak tree

DES MOINES, Iowa - In a bid to curb the spread of oak wilt, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources is urging residents to refrain from pruning oak trees before next Monday.

Oak wilt is a disease caused by a fungus and has been a concern in Iowa for years. While red, black, and pin oaks are more susceptible, white and bur oaks can also be infected.

Trees like black, pin, or red oak typically succumb to the disease within the same summer they become infected, while white oak and bur oak may take several years.

The fungus responsible for oak wilt can spread a small beetle carrying spores from an infected to a healthy tree during the growing season, and through root grafts connecting nearby oaks.

Root grafts can facilitate the movement of the fungus between diseased and healthy trees if they are within 50 to 100 feet of each other. Residents seeking more information on oak wilt prevention and control can visit