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News Brief

Oct. 11, 2023Shenandoah, Iowa |  By: Jeremy Werner

Shenandoah approves stricter water conservation measures


SHENANDOAH, Iowa - In response to dwindling water levels in Shenandoah's aquifers, the City Council unanimously approved stage 3 water conservation measures.

The more stringent restrictions approved on Tuesday now mandate specific watering hours for lawns and gardens, varying days for addresses ending in even or odd numbers, and a prohibition on using hoses for vehicle washing, except at car washes.

Businesses selling plants are exempt, but the new measures enforce compliance with penalties for increased water usage.

Mayor Roger McQueen emphasized the necessity of these measures due to a 35% decline in well levels over five years.

Adequate rainfall and river level rise are critical for replenishing aquifers, and Shenandoah joins other communities like Harlan and Osceola in facing water restrictions.

Stage 3 compliance is now mandatory, emphasizing the urgency of addressing the water shortage.