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News Brief

Dec. 6, 2023Jefferson City, Mo. |  By: Jeremy Werner

MU specialist says "leave the leaves"


JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - In a nod to the environment and pollinator health, the "Leave the Leaves" movement is being championed by University of Missouri Extension horticulture specialists in the northwest Missouri region.

The movement encourages homeowners to rethink leaf disposal and specialists emphasize that leaves are valuable habitat for essential pollinators like butterflies, moths, and native bumblebees.

Tailoring the approach to different yard areas, specialists suggests shredding leaves for vegetable gardens to mitigate pest risks and leaving them untouched in flower beds for added benefits.

For grass yards, mulching leaves with a mower enriches the soil naturally. Specialists promote a balanced approach, urging periodic mowing or sharing excess leaves with neighbors for composting.