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News Brief

Dec. 18, 2023Jefferson City, Mo. |  By: Jeremy Werner

NWMO region getting ready for Great Northwest Day

great northwest day logo

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - The Northwest Missouri region is gearing up for the 21st annual Great Northwest Day. The event will be held on February 6-7 at the Capitol Plaza in Jefferson City.

The event allows constituents of the Northwest Missouri region a more direct and effective voice in Jefferson City.

This year's itinerary includes introductions of the delegation on the House and Senate floors, breakfast with a keynote speaker, and regional round table sessions. 

The highlight of this event is the Tuesday evening Great Northwest Celebration.

The event invites legislators, elected officials, and department members to see booths from participating counties showcasing their communities, and allows attendees to meet face-to-face with legislators and other guests.

For more information, or to register for the event, visit