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News Brief

Feb. 13, 2024Jefferson City, Mo. |  By: Jeremy Werner

Various entities urged to stay vigilant with corn harvests

corn field

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - The Missouri Department of Agriculture is urging feed manufacturers, corn producers, and livestock producers to stay vigilant with corn harvests, as mycotoxin levels have surged due to prolonged drought conditions.
Contamination in feed can adversely affect livestock health, prompting MDA's proactive monitoring efforts through the Bureau of Feed & Seed's Annual Corn Survey.
This survey, conducted each fall, involves collecting corn samples from farms across the state during harvest. In 2023, 122 corn samples from 86 counties were analyzed at the MDA Feed Control Laboratory.
Livestock owners are advised to monitor for symptoms and promptly contact a veterinarian if observed. The University of Missouri Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory offers feed testing services for concerned individuals.
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